This being America, there are a lot of opportunities to buy stuff. When you arrive, for things you need, you will find Craigslist useful. Also, check out the local thrift shops - charity shops, as we know them. Unlike charity shops in the UK, they also sell electrical stuff, so are a good source for things like TVs, toasters, etc. (But not kettles, because these are rare in the US.)
Supermarkets are enormously variable, and more localised than in the UK, so there's not much advice to give. They vary a lot, so try different ones. One thing to note is that the staff seem more knowledgeable than in the UK - I've yet to find a person working in a supermarket, no matter how large, who can't direct me or take me straight to anything I've asked for.At the checkout, they will expect to put the stuff in bags for you. Don't be surprised to see people stand there while they bag your shopping - and they will use very large numbers of bags. They will put a large container of milk in a bag,. and because it's heavy and the bag might split, they will put that in another bag. And the milk has a handle already.
Shops are usually called stores, and when people talk about 'the market' they're talking about the supermarket.
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